MyInnocentFace's Profile

Joined on Jan 4, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
MyInnocentFace's Quizzes
- â¤How Well Do You Know Meâ¤[published: Jan 26, 2016, 1 comment]
Not many people know me that well. If you're lucky, then this quiz should be easy for you? I……
MyInnocentFace's Recent Posts
"Okay. I'll have to get your folder and stuff ready. Because you're in middle school, you're going to get paired up with a high schoole"
"Are you coming to practice tomorrow?"
"I don't know how to set the paper up."
"I need your help."
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"That's good to hear. What's up?"
"As of now, great. Yourself?"
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