moeru_yona_akuma's Profile

Joined on Jul 23, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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moeru_yona_akuma's Quizzes
- Would i date you?[published: Jul 23, 2014]
Okay then people you obviously clicked on this quiz being bored or maybe wanting love. either way please takeā¦…
moeru_yona_akuma's Recent Posts
"Now i must i am very tired."
"My parents found my account so they are going to change thepass tomorrow and i cannot hack anything so bye. :("
"I have returned"
"Awwwww i gtg. i will bump this thread tomorrow. tr an be online, ill miss you if you arent. ^/3\^"
"See i would but im going to the red wedding. so yeah..."
"Lol wow"
"XD ok i gotnervous because of that face."
"Yayyyy! "
"You are too. i like you. you are nicer than most people."
"Im not sure. probably though."
"I don't know either. :)"
"Um okay..... so.... what now?"
moeru_yona_akuma's Recent Quiz Comments
"Interesting questions"
1 -
"Im almost 15 not ten. i lied though."