MissElsa's Profile


Joined on Jan 31, 2016
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
5K Quiz
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MissElsa's Quizzes

MissElsa's Recent Posts

  • Life Hacks
    "Hi, everybody! Please come on to life hacks!"
  • Life Hacks
    "When you want an elevator to go to your floor before any others, hold the elevator button for your floor. I don't know if it works."
  • Life Hacks
    "Is anybody here?"
  • Life Hacks
    "To bybass airport wifi passwords, type ?.jpg at the end of any url. I don't know if this works or not."
  • Life Hacks
    "It doesn't work on all vending machines."
  • Life Hacks
  • Life Hacks
    "Addition: If the vending machine thing doesn't work at first, hold down the change button, not press it."
  • Life Hacks
  • Life Hacks
    "I have never tried this before. In a vending machine, type in the code 432112311 for a surprise. Please tell me if"
  • Life Hacks
    "In this thread, please post lots of life hacks. If you have never tried one, say so, and somebody should test it(it's my thread's rules!). H..."
  • OMG Weird/Funny
    "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV6isuZ8Pow Watch this from 15:03. Beware rude language."
  • OMG Weird/Funny
    "definitely not."
  • OMG Weird/Funny
    "I Hope This Works. [img]file:///home/chronos/u-17a0d9c2b471c31819f179f53353517fa4144982/Downloads/Screenshot%202017-03-03%20at%206.00."
  • OMG Weird/Funny
    "Post anything even remotely funny or weird... PLEASE!..."
  • Pokemon Fan Club
    "Anybody who wants to be in the Pokemon fan club, come and take the quiz!"

MissElsa's Recent Quiz Comments
