lusnuano's Profile
Joined on Dec 13, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
lusnuano's Quizzes
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lusnuano's Recent Posts
"What if I said I was a Brussels bureaucrat?"
"Hey Nigel, do you actually like ale or do you just always seem to be drinking it for the camera?"
"That bloody Douglas Carswell!"
"Hi I'm Luis and I'm also 16... I love to play the piano and love history and LoTR. Joined a couple of days ago, great site!"
"Hi, NitroTails12!"
"I used to use like doing some of the quizzes on it like 3 years ago but only recently got an account!"
"Hi, I'm new as well."
"Why is it that this man of all people is currently ahead in the race? Anyone, anyone but this ape-lookalike who was given heaps of money as ..."
"Why is it that this man of all people is currently ahead in the race? Anyone, anyone but this ape-lookalike who was given heaps of money as ..."
"I got 0% ;)"
"I think the title is a little misleading!"
lusnuano's Recent Quiz Comments
"4% daring- I'm such a daredevil!"
1 -
"Roman- apparently I like old stuff! ;)"
1 -
"This quiz is actually good- you got it right!"