LinaxD's Profile

Joined on Nov 25, 2015
Status Level: Junior
LinaxD's Quizzes
- I know your last name! (:[published: Nov 30, 2015, 112 comments]
Do you have a complicated last name? Do people have hard times figuring out how to say your name? Do……
- HARD! you'll never get 30% or higher[published: Nov 26, 2015, 3 comments]
this is the headrest quiz ever I know for a fact you can't get higher than a 30%. Fun fact……
- do you even know me m8[published: Nov 25, 2015, 2 comments]
So you are bored, eh? I'm pretty sure you won't pass this test. It's very intricate and hard. If you……
- How sassy are you?[published: Nov 25, 2015]
A lot of teenagers are very sassy nowadays. It's scaring lots of adults and such. But some people are unaware……
LinaxD's Recent Posts
"bloop de woop haven't been on here in 2 years !!! [img][no urls] [/img]"
"hello random peeps"
"never watched it bleep bloop the nightmare before christmas"
"Aw I want a cat really bad now ! I have to finish my chores so I can get my phone back ugh Bye nice meeting you ! I'm Lina ((:"
"uf that's too cute"
"And I feel bad because I'm trying to do my homework and my dogs want to play with me. I have to totally ignore them and I feel bad. But with..."
"watch out for my body rolls"
"That's true ! Sometimes I go to my friend's house just to cuddle with her cats. But my doggies are cuddly too. But they wouldn't cuddle with..."
"She doesn't hate them she just doesn't like them. She thinks they scratch too much and are meanies but I think they're so precious."
"is your body from McDonald's because I'm loving it"
"SHES CUTE. and well I already have two dogs but my mom doesn't like cats ! What's her name ?"
"I want a kitty cat )):"
LinaxD's Recent Quiz Comments
"100% oh my god"
1 -
"I took this quiz as a girl :P I'd be a shy boyyyy
but I'm totes rebellious man 8) breakin the gender rule haha"
1 -
1 -
"I'm 5'6 and I got 5'3-5'5
lol what"1 -
"80% and I guessed on everything lol "
1 -
"oh and I got Kenpo (: I wish Kung-fu was an option haha "
1 -
"I do Choy Li Fut Kung-Fu. The origanziation goes to does weapon training, Tai Chi, Choy Li Fut, and sparring/grappling/ weapon sparring and…"
1 -
"beep "
1 -
1 -
"light "