Lexiek's Profile

Joined on Jun 23, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Lexiek's Quizzes
- the quiz for my beauty angel[published: Jun 25, 2015, 4 comments]
This quiz is for my angel. he made me a quiz and worked hard on it so tthis is my way of saying……
Lexiek's Recent Posts
"aaaaaawww it bleeped the word p---- X,C"
"*smirks* hehehe nuthin'"
"Hahahahahahaha XD"
"that only made me smile.... i want to laugh...."
"... tell me a funny joke."
"you two are weeeeeiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrd......"
"I said make me LAUGH not make me sad. Say something funny."
"It sounds like a good show then... i always see the commercials for it.. but i'm too lazy too flip the channel. XD"
"did the link work? is it showing Sasuke, Sakura and Nartuo doing the Gangnam Style dance? Thats what it's suppose to be...."
"Heres something im seing on the recent posts: your pretty little face is going to hell "
"its this one: http:// hdwallpapers.cat/ wallpaper_1280x7280/ gangnam_style_sasuke_sakura_naru"
"Cody i need your junior-ness yall have to see this XD: http:// hdwallpapers.cat/ wallpaper_12780x7280/ gangna"
Lexiek's Recent Quiz Comments
"Cool quiz....... is it me.... or...... does nobody go on here for quizzes.... it seems that all anybody does anymore is go on the…"
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"cool i got hippie."
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"OMG OMG OMMG I GOT HE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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"I got Koaru... okay then.... liked the quiz tho"
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"i loved my result, i got a good score..."
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"hey, I took the quiz and got eighty something%"
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"thx loved that quiz 100%"
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"60% oh well, guess idk u that well lol jk ik u a lot my HOLY COCOA BUTTER"
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"cool quiz cocoa...."
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"agreed w/everyone else thiis iis most likely a prank.... (*whisper* do another its kinda funny) butt seriously tho, its a f***ing prank."