lazermazer's Profile

Joined on Mar 25, 2016
Status Level: Novice
lazermazer's Quizzes
- Are you a true Attack On Titan fan?[published: Dec 03, 2016]
Wello I'm Air you probably don't remember me cause I haven't been on here for a long time.……
- Do you Marvel? #1[published: Jul 15, 2016]
HI my name is Lazermazer. if you are a Marvwl geek come here to warm ul. this is an super easy Marvel quiz so……
- Are you girly or boyish (girls only)[published: Jun 20, 2016, 1 comment]
Girls come around lets take a quiz to see if you are a tomboy or a girly girl. but also……
- How much do we have in common[published: Jun 02, 2016]
Do we have anything in common. Since this is the quiz to take. I got this from my ever soaamazing……
- Level up quiz#3[published: May 27, 2016]
Okay you need to match up things together. Like (!!!) with (!!!) If not then you will get it wrong. Have you……
- level up! quiz #1[published: May 21, 2016, 1 comment]
this is just a level up quiz nothing more nothing less. i just want to get to junior amd do amazing stuff. can……
- which stereotype[published: Apr 29, 2016, 2 comments]
Yes we all now that there is a sstereo food chain. Yes popular at the top ad loners at the bottom. But who……
- How well do you know me[published: Apr 20, 2016]
Yeah yeah I'm not popular so this is a tsst on how well do you know me. I'm only on the third or fourth……
- Who is your godly parent?[published: Apr 11, 2016]
If you seen my Fandom quiz well this is the suggestion I made I would say some other people's quiz but……
- Which Fandom do you belong in?[published: Apr 11, 2016]
Yes we all knlw and love our Percy Jackson, Hunger Games and Maze Runner series. Now let us see……
- Who is your Maze Runner Boyfriend[published: Mar 25, 2016, 1 comment]
There are some hot boys in the Maze Runner series. This quiz tells you your boyfriend, ……
lazermazer's Recent Posts
"Havent even started on the board yet"
"Due Monday"
"S cience fair."
"Get shipped. Shipping people."
"I love sex ed ever so much "
"I also Dont know my feelings"
"Got them awesome things called boy troubles."
"I did dumb things"
"Haven't been here for like 4 months."
"ill be the other roommate."
"(if chocolate01 or Daffodil3000 come on thats me.) name:Sabrina Defina Age:11 title:(princess of lady"
"if u dont have ether/1 of the passwords"
"could i have daffodil3000. 2?"
"sup wemember its air"
lazermazer's Recent Quiz Comments
"same as Paige im only 12"
1 -
"correct im 12"
1 -
1 -
"im got 7-8 suck at math and gonna be 7th this year"
1 -
"To be a Wholigan or not to br a Wholigan that is the question?"
1 -
"What's up"
1 -
"I like it but I wanted Harry Potter I got Mortal Instruments. Not complaining a lot thouggh"
1 -
"thanks pansy got Poseidon can i recomend your quiz for my quiz fandom:"
1 -
"I live here and only got 90%."
1 -
"It is D.A.D.A
Defense against the dark arts"1