L4ZYSN1P3R's Profile

Joined on Apr 27, 2014
Status Level: Experienced
L4ZYSN1P3R's Quizzes
- guess the song.[published: Jul 17, 2014, 2 comments]
This is a kind of guessing game. Here you must guess the song and artist from the few lines of lyrics. Hope you……
- which of my favorite anime characters are you?[published: Jul 07, 2014, 1 comment]
By taking this quiz you will find out which of my six favorite anime characters……
- How well do you know South Africa?[published: Jun 22, 2014]
A quiz about south africa by a south african we are the most southern country on the african……
- zombie survival quiz[published: Jun 06, 2014]
This is a quiz to see how long I would alow you in my team if there's a zombie outbreak it all depends on……
- (girls only) The ultimate girl quiz[published: May 31, 2014, 3 comments]
This is the ultimate girl quiz take it if you dare well your reading this so I guess you……
- call of duty:ghosts extinction[published: May 22, 2014]
The follow up to my call of duty:ghosts quiz this quiz will cover some basics and afew not so……
- call of duty:ghosts[published: May 22, 2014]
Hi there l4zy again took me awhile to start new quiz was kinda busy well this quiz is based on call of duty……
- command & conquer:generals zero hour[published: May 02, 2014]
This is the follow up quiz on my previous generals quiz you should take that before you……
- command & conquer:generals[published: Apr 28, 2014]
Hi there L4ZY here again this a game related quiz about a 2003 game called generals which is……
- (girls only) Are you my type of girl?[published: Apr 27, 2014, 17 comments]
Ok I'm making this quiz cause my friends say I'll never find a girl that has what I want……
- black ops zombies quiz[published: Apr 27, 2014]
Well I decided to do a zombie quiz because well there aren't a lot of these around. You must have played……
L4ZYSN1P3R's Recent Posts
"ew it is my multi"
"This guy is just a dumb---."
"As my current post time is crappy"
"Ima sleep now bye bye."
"Then try not doing sport for 15 years and then deciding to play rugby that hurts."
"Glad you enjoyed yourself."
"I did f---all as usual."
"Maybe later. Eva=one track mind."
"Mamba=death so nah."
L4ZYSN1P3R's Recent Quiz Comments
"Raor. I'm more of a metallica fan don't really like katy perry. "
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"Like I said don't take it seriously haha but thanks for your input anyway"
1 -
"I forgot to add also available on pc"
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"So barrelish not to mention stephano bro haha gotta like stephano"
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"Hahahaha that's funny seriously forgive me for being human with my own personal opinions."
1 -
"Scizophrenia. I have NPD(narcisistic personality disorder) though and yes it does exist I'm also constantly paranoid so quiz was correct in…"
1 -
"Just because your parents are unmannered doent mean you should be too its all about how you see yourself"
1 -
"My pleasure"
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"Haha I guess your american :)"
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