Kwrights Stalker's Profile

Kwrights Stalker
Joined on Oct 29, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Kwrights Stalker's Recent Posts
"Done with what?"
"I've found out that she's been seeing some dude named Ethan."
"I've done more stalking and I have uncovered the truth about your little girlfriend."
"Hello there my dear friend."
"I feel so bad for you that you don't know how to phucking link it to your other damn account -.-"
"And why are you saying that?"
"So if you want me to continue to insult you, stay on that account. If not log off and never return to it."
">.> You're more stupid than I thought."
"-.- Baka"
"It doesn't phucking matter whether or not you like Sub-Zero, you technically stole his phucking username."
"-.- You idiot. Why use an account that somebody already has? It's pretty much copying them. It's better off to use your Sonic one."
"You can't use your original account?"
"Hello there."
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