King Kandy's Profile
King Kandy
Joined on Jan 17, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
King Kandy's Quizzes
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King Kandy's Recent Posts
"Me and the Hostess girl"
"I'm tracking a scent of candy to this thread."
"14 Bill Cosby pudding cup"
"And nobody remembers me. Not even my senpai "
"It's fine, but if you don't like it go ahead and change. It's an expression of who YOU are, not us. That decision should be yours to make."
"My brother finally convinced me to comeback"
"Only if you belong to me."
"KING KANDY!!! I have returned my subjects! Welcome your Master of Moonpies, Host of Hostess"
"Ah, circumstances for me to leave. I shall return though!"
"Yes you can We face a treacherous adversary. The Whiplash Revolution Insurgents, or WRI. They are a danger to the kingdom and"
"I am placing a Royal Bounty on Fetty Wap, dead or alive"
"No. I just use some phrases because I am fluent, and got bored. But has anyone joined the RSA?"
"No, it's German. A new sun has arisen over the Kingdom, and I say we capture it. Strive for improvements and the power of the"
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