Katie Lalonde 37's Profile

Katie Lalonde 37
Joined on Jan 3, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Katie Lalonde 37's Quizzes
- How Well Do You Know Me[published: Jan 10, 2016]
i know very many people spread almost everywhere, so come see how much you know me though a series of……
- would i date u [for boys][published: Jan 03, 2016, 3 comments]
try this fantastic quiz to see if u have what it takes to date me! boys only plz there is quizes……
Katie Lalonde 37's Recent Posts
"I missed gtq and its users"
"Hello GTQ and its users"
"hi i havent been on since sundah night"
"hi im back"
"im sorry i gotta go just barfed everyehere need to clean it"
"in so much pain just need to talk to someone"
"in ur other ballroom thread"
"tonight i am laying in the bathroom right because im really sick and i havent eatten sice 12 pm"
"also an old song Wildfire By Michael Murphy"
"Amsterdam By imagine dragons"
"GG i need to talk to you"
"wait what u mean cookie"
"did he see that hopefully not"
Katie Lalonde 37's Recent Quiz Comments
"currently in french school"
1 -
"83% cool"
1 -
"i got,81%"
1 -
"100% cool"
1 -
"anyone else"
1 -
"say u took my quiz"
1 -
"I was half asleep thank you"
1 -
"hey love ur quiz"