Kalynn_renee's Profile
Joined on Mar 29, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Kalynn_renee's Recent Posts
"How? By ending the relationship? What is going on with you and her?"
"@anri hyuga Hey you don't have to hide from your friends... Just tell them what's wring and if they turn away and leave you there to "
"@selena112 You shouldn't do that... Trust me! It hurts so much you can feel it and I mean physically feel it.. I only know this becau"
"Does anyone on here know how to add a photo?"
"Are you guys ok?"
"..... Hey"
"Umm.... Ok"
"*hugs back* oh trust me it will be worse than that!"
"@sonic_x I'm not a dude I'm a girl..... I am 16!!! Why would you think I'm a dude when my name is kalynn? @ariana Th"
"@sonic_x. He's not her son.... It's the girls mom... And how could she not like me when she doesn't know me??"
"@daughterofapollo. It is the girls mom. Why??"
"@sonic_x.... I honestly don't know why she would do that. She doesn't even really know me... All I know is that she could be telling the tru..."
"@unloving Okay,, thanks:) and I have no clue that would be something relay stupid to make up..."