ilovepuppys's Profile

Joined on Feb 26, 2014
Status Level: Novice
ilovepuppys's Quizzes
- Have a account but just make quizzes?[published: Mar 30, 2014, 5 comments]
Alright, this quiz is only for you if you have gotten an account but are still making……
- I can guess what day it is![published: Mar 30, 2014, 5 comments]
Take my totally awesome quiz! This is 100% totally accurate, but it's only right if you tell the……
- I can guess your gender![published: Mar 30, 2014, 24 comments]
TipsEach of these three fields must be at least long. This is usually just a couple of sentences. Just……
- Are you a good student?[published: Mar 30, 2014, 4 comments]
Many long to be a teachers pet. Others shoot for average. Some... Well, they just don't care.……
- Interesting Factoids: How many do you know?[published: Mar 26, 2014, 2 comments]
I love to find out cool facts. Though I don't spout facts like Olive (off of ANT……
ilovepuppys's Recent Posts
"Okay :D"
"I have boobs :D .... well sorta"
"Well sorry about your momma."
"Damn I figured that but I wasn't sure."
"Shhhhh Icee's not here right now"
"Don't worry Butterfinger, I joke about stupid s--- all the time."
"You might wanna put your bed sheets in the wash when I'm done with you."
"You can pretty much have sex on any bed."
"Yeah I know. Does the thing even work I mean why is it in your closet seriously? Also, I am aware that you have a bed that is"
"You heard me Butterfinger. Do you ever clean your closet? Does anyone in your house clean their closet?"
"Jeez I wonder why they'd wanna do thattttt *touches you* Nah but seriously don't you ever punch them or anything or do you ju"
"By the way Butterfinger, I'm currently hiding in your cluster f--- closet waiting for the right time to strike."
"He was probably hungry so he tried to eat you. >:D"
ilovepuppys's Recent Quiz Comments
"I am least like yellow.... True, true. I'm not confident, I don't have high self esteem, I don't cheer people up... Ten stars for that one,…"
1 -
"HAHA! I loved the Jusin Beiber one! I only made 9%... And I'll admit, although I did try on this thing, I am lazy in general."
1 -
"I said blue hammer... FREAKY..."
1 -
"Haha! I still can't believe you all wasteed your time on my stupid little quiz... >:)"
1 reply1 -
"WELL! I guess since ilk was first she's a better friend!"