ilovepuppys's Profile


Joined on Feb 26, 2014
Status Level: Novice

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ilovepuppys's Quizzes

ilovepuppys's Recent Posts

  • "Okay :D"
  • so uh
  • "I have boobs :D .... well sorta"
  • I'm being attacked.
    "Well sorry about your momma."
  • I'm being attacked.
    "Damn I figured that but I wasn't sure."
  • so uh
    "Shhhhh Icee's not here right now"
  • I'm being attacked.
    "Don't worry Butterfinger, I joke about stupid s--- all the time."
  • I'm being attacked.
    "Your mom might be all like WTF IS ON YER BED DID SOMEONE TAKE YOUR VIRGINITY"
  • I'm being attacked.
    "You might wanna put your bed sheets in the wash when I'm done with you."
  • I'm being attacked.
    "You can pretty much have sex on any bed."
  • I'm being attacked.
    "Yeah I know. Does the thing even work I mean why is it in your closet seriously? Also, I am aware that you have a bed that is"
  • I'm being attacked.
    "You heard me Butterfinger. Do you ever clean your closet? Does anyone in your house clean their closet?"
  • so uh
    "Jeez I wonder why they'd wanna do thattttt *touches you* Nah but seriously don't you ever punch them or anything or do you ju"
  • I'm being attacked.
    "By the way Butterfinger, I'm currently hiding in your cluster f--- closet waiting for the right time to strike."
  • I'm being attacked.
    "He was probably hungry so he tried to eat you. >:D"

ilovepuppys's Recent Quiz Comments
