IAmGoGirl's Profile

Joined on Feb 22, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
IAmGoGirl's Quizzes
- Do You Know Taylor Swift?[published: Feb 22, 2016, 2 comments]
Hey everyone... Yes these answers might be familiar... I am GOGIRL123 but I just forgot my password……
IAmGoGirl's Recent Posts
"Well I was looking up Does The Season You Were Born In Affect Your Personality? I was looking up answers when I started to take quizes then ..."
"Hi? Anyone at all? I will be using FreeFredom for now..."
"Back and you can still sign up!"
"And If that name is taken too then I'll have a couple more names"
"Sorry you posted you got entered"
"It's a work in progress but I might finsh more than thursday give me about next Monday or so"
"Yeah your right about the free website platform... I decided to call it The.Classic.One Now don't worry in 2 y"
"I gonna go work on my web but u can still post"
"I'm not THAT much of a child and I making a website Okay? I making it for my friends... I can think of something else "
"But yay'll better have an email to log in... If not... Hmmm I should make it you got an email if not there is an option for that too."
"But yay'll better have an email to log in... If not... Hmmm I should make it you got an email if not there is an option for that too."
"I want to call the web TheOneAndTheOnly.com but Do u think that's good or should it be better"
"Hmmm good Idea... But no quizzes cause that's copying... You should be able to friends people There should be a commpl"
"Also I think it should be free It will have levels like here but I still trying to think how they would level up"
"So far I think it should be Blue or white Yeah I'm going to be the adim I shouldn't have mods W"
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