HermioneFan1o1's Profile

Joined on Aug 29, 2015
Status Level: Novice
HermioneFan1o1's Quizzes
- The hardest Harry Potter quiz EVER[published: Sep 21, 2015, 1 comment]
There are many Harry Potter Fans, but few true Know it alls. Know it all is, afterall, quite……
- Hogwarts love story (Part one)[published: Sep 19, 2015, 3 comments]
Read the next paragraph as it will summerize the quiz Pay no attention to theese words if you……
- Hermione Granger back to school love story (part 2)[published: Sep 07, 2015]
hey guys part two is up here and if you hav'nt read part one do it now……
- Hermione Granger back to school love story[published: Aug 29, 2015, 4 comments]
OHH this agoin no one reads this why we have it? we only put Bulls--- here!!!……
HermioneFan1o1's Recent Posts
"I still like Harry Potter. I mean if I didn't why would I be called 'HermioneFan1o1'."
"I like the movies better because I heartily dislike (Hate) J.K. Rowling's style of writing. I stopped reading the books. I only read them ..."
"Never heard of it. Frozen"
"Tell me the most recent movie you've watched!"
"Please take my Harry potter Hardest quiz EVER thing and then post to my topic and I'll take on of your quizzes just make sure you name it...."
"What is you favorite book. Mine is Harry Potter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Narnia"
"hello i'm new and have no freakin' clue what to do I have 2 quizs already and my user name is 'HermioneFan1o1' and please everbody take this..."
"[no urls]"
"don't put the spaces on it but I had to put it there to get it in! PLEASE PLEASE take it!"
"it is: w w w . g o to quiz . c o m / h e r m i o n e _ g r a n g e r _ b a c k _ t o _ s c h o o l _ l o v e _ story"
"Um so it said in the thing to get your quiz popular you have to make a post about it in a forum and I don't know which one to put it in so p..."
"Which actor is your Hero or Idol. Mine is Emma Watson"
"Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkban"
HermioneFan1o1's Recent Quiz Comments
"LOVE IT! I'm in Slytherin acording to the quiz. I am also in Slytherin acording to me. Totally acurate! I have only one promblem and I…"
1 -
"No offence and all but your spelling is on the bad side and you got a fact wrong (It was Tonks not Luna Lovegood who found Harry on the…"
1 -
"Your in Griffendor because these question are easy as s---. "
1 -
"Am I the only frigging one who got Voldermort?"
1 -
" 11-15. I'm nine but close enough. Nice quiz. Also most quizzes like this say that I'm like thirty because I read HUGE books and don't…"
2 -
"10. What book am I thinking of?
What the f--- kind of question is that? How the bloody hell am I meant to know what your thinking…"
1 -
"part 2 is out"
1 -
"The Hero", brave and loyal, a true Gryffindor. From "The Boy Who Lived" to "The Chosen One", there wasn't a child in his world who…"
3 -
"thank-you I am figuring out this site and part 2 will be out soon if it's not already out I'm not sure if it is. I'm new so I know not…"
1 -
"If you have taken this quiz I am new and I would feel honored if you commented and rated! I am nine so I hope you like my writing! "