ForteoftheNet's Profile

Joined on Jun 12, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
ForteoftheNet's Quizzes
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ForteoftheNet's Recent Posts
"Man kind."
"or maybe you just haven't played the one of the most iconic game franchises of all time"
"...So, when one has friends they gain the right to be annoying? Is that how it works?"
"I am Forte.exe, the Cyber World's God of Destruction. Those fools are the ones trying to usurp my power to claim the bounty o"
"Friends? That's a new concept."
"....If any of you challenge me, I'll win. None of you look like much."
"....I'm not impressed. What did I stumble into?"
"I'm the strongest, they won't win."
"Forte.exe Mega Man"
"Zero: *bored face* Silly? With an attitude like that I'll never tell you."
"Zero: Awww~ Look at the tantrum! *smile*"
ForteoftheNet's Recent Quiz Comments
"Destruction. More destruction."