flounder101's Profile
Joined on Dec 1, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
flounder101's Quizzes
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flounder101's Recent Posts
"Leave her alone would you? Even if she is lying it has nothing to do with you so back off"
"*pouts* fine sorry got to go sleep"
"Haha lol oooooooo where we going"
"And you dont win because i always do"
"Not much. Visiting family friday but other than that im free all week"
"Ummm no so moving on....."
"Hey Ollie i have no idea what your on about"
"Hey guys! Im good. Hows you"
"Sorry i have been gone so long. I blame my phone it wouldnt connect to the wifi so yeah no GTQ but i is back now so we all good. "
"Dont feel guilty. Dont kill yourself and dont start cutting either i started when i was only 11 my life was falling to pieces around me. I f..."
"Really really sorry to interupt i know this thread is supposed to be private but i gotta say you two make such a perfect c..."
"Oops didnt mean to post 2 threads the same. My mistake. Just leave one to die"
flounder101's Recent Quiz Comments
"Well, I think it is good. I am a Geek by the way :)"
1 -
"This is not flounder101 im her sister.
This is stupid flounder is anorexic and insecure so you go and tell her she could do with…"
1 reply2 -
"Sweet & shy blue element water thats creepy its so me"