Fireproof's Profile

Joined on Apr 5, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Fireproof's Recent Posts
"Well, you're right. You win. :U"
"My step dad gave me some, and I couldn't keep it there because it hurt so bad. I'd seriously scream."
"Shhh; I'm strange too. Take it as a compliment because strange means unique. Unique means amazing, kay. Deep."
"YAY; I WAS RIGHT. I looked it up to make sure. xD"
"Motherrr. ;n; Ich liebe dich."
"This is Kaden btw. :o"
"Doesn't "Ich liebe dich." mean "I love you." in German?"
"Yay, Kait. ;u; [Yee, thank you.]"
"*huggles* ;; [Yes.]"
"My mom tried to touch it, and I screamed in pain."
"I slipped on the hardwood in the kitchen and fell smack on my back. I have a big bruise on my elbow, and there's an obvious bump. Er. "
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