Emo Is Love's Profile

Emo Is Love
Joined on Jul 23, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
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Emo Is Love's Quizzes
- Do you know Noob Saibot?[published: Jul 18, 2013]
Just a quick 10-12 question long test. Just to see how many know Noob Saibot and how many don't. Just……
- Would you choose correctly? (MK Version)[published: Jul 17, 2013]
This quiz is to see how many people would choose the correct answers and how many……
Emo Is Love's Recent Posts
"I'm going to bed cx Message me on facebook tomorrow. It was nice meeting you SG. Night."
"Oh hush."
"That's so awesome ^~^"
"Really? :)"
"I'm too tired. Maybe later cx"
"K: Stfu pr gktfu u.u SG: Okay :3 What are you eating at this late of an hour?"
"K: Stop judging me...I wasn't supposed to be talking to Seth but yet I was and my dad caught me and decided to take my precious babies away ..."
"Hello. K: Uh hush with that. It does suck actually. Not used to this. I bought it, I just have to wait for it in the mail. I "
"Wow. Haven't heard that in a minute. Life is good. Finally took that book you told me about into consideration. And holy crap it takes forev..."
"How am I rude? shh"
"Right. Okay."
"I know. I had to. My bad :c"
"Oh my. Hi ^-^"
Emo Is Love's Recent Quiz Comments
">.< I so suck.
But other than that, it was a pretty cool quiz. >.< I just really suck at these things."
1 -
"Technically it was hers first, but eh. Whatever ya wanna think"