Eaglered578's Profile
Joined on Jun 8, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Eaglered578's Quizzes
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Eaglered578's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Peter 86%
You are a natural leader and will do anything to protect your family. His weapons are his sword and…"
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"Your Result: Martin 81%
resultYo u are Martin the Warrior. Clever and strong, you can also be very hotheaded. You are a natural…"
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"tornadoes are 3883% likely to knock down your door
+You will most likely live. You also have great leadership qualities,…"
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"Your Result: you are skipper! 79%
you are a natural leader with decisive skills! you're into the "commando thing", although you…"
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"Your Result: Firepaw 90%
You are Firepaw! Your eyes are bright green and a natural leader. You are brave, intelligent, and loyal.…"
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"Your Result: neon
100%they are little lasers that glow reddish orange. it is in a vacuum discharge tube. it also occures in…"
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"horrible quiz Hope you don't make more and we want the elements of nature not the actually elements that make things out of"
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"Your Result: Fire 85%
You have a fiery personality, not just with your friends, but in your life as well. Not all of us can shoot…"
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"Your Result: Fire 90%
resultYo ur element is Fire. You are passionate, caring, fierce when angry, and HOT! Your colors are red,…"
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"Your Result: You are Fred. 79%
Born a true leader. Love to figure out puzzles and mysteries, you can drive and vey well I may…"