DrowndInDarkness's Profile

Joined on Jan 12, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
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DrowndInDarkness's Quizzes
- Will I like you?[published: May 25, 2015, 1 comment]
I was bored and decided to continue on this quiz I started a while ago. Wheither you like me or want to be……
- The stupid quiz[published: Jan 22, 2015, 4 comments]
Blah blah blah. This is just a really weird quiz I made randomly. Take it if you like~~ Have funnnnn hehe I……
DrowndInDarkness's Recent Posts
"(Sorry if that seems out of place lol, had to verify myself in the Discord!!)"
"aliens only exist on planets with fruit"
"Oh! It just worked for me. Coolio cx"
"Apparently there's a Discord for GTQ now? But the link doesn't work for me lmao. I'm way more active there"
"I really want to be active here again but there's been so much going on in my life tbh. Shiz is tough nowadays"
"Hello you 3! I appreciate the welcome backs, tysm ^-^ Sorry for the 2 day late response haha, at least I remembere"
"Will do, Usagi!"
"Sorry I died for a few min, I am back. Helo Emowoman!! That's awesome :) At first I woke up with a bad stom"
"Tysm, that means a lot *hugs back* That's good to hear. How was your Thanksgiving?"
"I'm not the best but I'm hanging in there. Wbu?"
"Thank you! ^-^"
"There's always a point in my life where I think about this site I used to go on in 2014/2015, forget the name, search it up, then make an ap..."
"Well, My life is full of bad luck. It's some huge curse honestly."
"My, I sure do love the blue screen of death"
DrowndInDarkness's Recent Quiz Comments
"83% I'm surprised"
1 -
"Says I don't take risks when I put that I do. Hmmmm"
1 -
"There was no option for my Black and Red hair and my Hazel eyes lmfao"
1 -
"People wanting to have a kid when they're 16-18 is insane to me. I'm 18 right now and no where ready. It can't be rushed. I got 30-35 but…"
1 -
1 -
"I got The Inland North lmao"
1 -
"I got blue lol, but my favorite is Red."
1 -
"60% cx"
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