Dork22978's Profile

Joined on Aug 27, 2016
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
Dork22978's Quizzes
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Dork22978's Recent Posts
"Dork wants you to have a nice sweet sixteen. Much love from Dork and friends."
"Dark is Dork mom"
"Dork is back"
"Kellin or Killian"
"But Dork isn't surprised. Hi."
"Dork loves father"
"Dork also got called a f-----. Dork is sad."
"lee taeyong"
"We've been going to school together for nearly 13 years. He has seen me on my worst and best days, so no need to impress :) Dork wants to im..."
"How should Dork dress tomorrow? Cute casual, emo/alternative or comfortable sweatpants and t shirt?"
"Oh god no Kik is dead"
"D O R K Dork Dork Dork Dork Dork Dork Dork"
Dork22978's Recent Quiz Comments
"IDK U BUT I GOT 100% HOLY s---"