DontSmileAtMe's Profile

Joined on Sep 30, 2018
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DontSmileAtMe's Quizzes
- Billie Eilish Quiz[published: Oct 01, 2018, 2 comments]
Billie Eilish is one of my favorite singers with an amazing voice at such a young age and will only get……
DontSmileAtMe's Recent Posts
"C1 has recently moved to a new school. The school is for demons though, and C1 are not one. Somehow, they managed to get in though. The scho..."
"C1 has recently moved to a new school. The school is for demons though, and C1 are not one. Somehow, they managed to get in though. The scho..."
"What us it?"
"Does anyone have a plot"
"Not really"
"Want me to or you?"
"I guess. Wanna start?"
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"Sure! Name: Nickname: Gender: Age: Species: Appearance: Weapon: Magic: (yes o"
DontSmileAtMe's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got When The Party's Over. One of my favourite songs from Billie!"
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