devon's Profile

Joined on Nov 28, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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devon's Recent Posts
"Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lanc..."
"Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lanc..."
"Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lancashire Blackpool Lanc..."
"what's your name"
"Lame poll as always, sheffield"
"Dont steal Shropshire I'm making it later"
"Derbyshire stole the next county I was going to make"
"Ivystar Is A"
"f--- Yorkshire "
"guess what "
devon's Recent Quiz Comments
"im not beautiful m8
I must me ugly"1