CollieAndBerner's Profile

Joined on Jun 16, 2014
Status Level: Junior
CollieAndBerner's Quizzes
- What Flavor Is Your Love?[published: Feb 22, 2015]
There are so many kinds of love. There are also lots of food flavors. There has to be matches, right?……
- Could I, Would I and Should I Date You? (Boys Only)[published: Oct 27, 2014, 2 comments]
Love. It's everywhere, whether we notice or not. A hug from a friend. A kiss……
- The Super, Duper RANDOM Quiz 2!![published: Aug 10, 2014, 1 comment]
I made this quiz in spite of the user LOLcats1388, who left a comment on my last random quiz……
- Could We Be Roomies?[published: Aug 08, 2014]
Lots of people have dorms, and live together. They have to put up with each other, but also develop a……
- How Much Do You Know About Me, CollieAndBerner?[published: Aug 05, 2014]
I am a unique person. We all are. Everyone has different traits that separate……
- How Cute Is Your Dog?[published: Jul 19, 2014, 8 comments]
Have you ever wondered how cute your dog is? Well, as you may or may not know, all dogs are cute, but you……
- I Can Try To Guess Your Age[published: Jul 18, 2014, 6 comments]
This quiz is for people 7-12 in age, so as you can tell I did not cheat by using the first question.……
- The PowerPuff Mystery[published: Jul 06, 2014]
In this quiz, you are figuring out who stole the Crystalinni Kitty from the Townsville diamond museum. You……
- The Super, Duper, RANDOM QUIZ![published: Jun 22, 2014, 4 comments]
This was just a quiz ment to make you laugh. Please enjoy! Gotta fill up this area. I never read……
- How Much Do You Know About Furby Booms?[published: Jun 16, 2014]
Since 1998, the crazy, lovable and cute little munchkin known as the Furby has evolved……
CollieAndBerner's Recent Posts
"Sorry I leave for long times."
"I love Lean On"
"I'm back!!..."
"Booble doo"
"Lahdle lahdle lahdle hep hep hep"
"Anybody at all? :("
"Hey wazzap"
"Zoomer robotic dog? I want one "
"Can I has muffin?"
"Cuz yah had a bad day!!"
"Doing it again "
CollieAndBerner's Recent Quiz Comments
"This is very stereotypical, just because I prefer sweets has nothing to do with the gender of my child. It's dependant on the genes and…"
1 -
"Yes I am"
1 -
"I am the witches cat! 10 stars this quiz rules!!"
1 -
"My user is KittenParty. I got 43%. My Den's theme is a human house. I have the Crystal Palace."
1 -
"I was white. Cool beans!!"
1 -
"Is the Dan Howell actually DanTDM?"
1 -
"Got Lady Rainicorn, my favorite!"
1 -
"I kissed my Mom many times. If you are talking boys, no. I wish!"
1 -
1 -
"In 9 years I will move in with you! 70%!"