Cleo and dilly's Profile

Cleo and dilly
Joined on Jan 25, 2014
Status Level: Senior
Cleo and dilly's Quizzes
- the random quiz[published: Oct 11, 2014]
Hello.. Im fine.. So I was just bored.. So I decided to create a quiz.. The RANDOM QUIZ.. I know people get……
- are you two twins[published: Jun 11, 2014, 3 comments]
take my quiz is really good its not to be taken literally its just for fun so don't have seriously it's too……
- are you a devil or an angel[published: Apr 25, 2014, 25 comments]
Are you an angel or devil sorry if it is not accurate please comment and rate thanks . few are……
- HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT dogs?[published: Apr 14, 2014, 1 comment]
would you trade pokemon you trade pokemon in your face No yes maybe so high you intelligent let……
- song lyric quiz[published: Mar 25, 2014, 5 comments]
there are many geniuses of pop music but are you one of them dont worry these are all new pop songs so if you……
- HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IRELAND[published: Mar 08, 2014, 2 comments]
Are you a jumping leprechaun let's see? By the way the picture is outside of my house in……
- are you like me[published: Jan 26, 2014, 20 comments]
Are you like me do you? are you ?never mind just take the quiz please I want to know when your done comment and……
Cleo and dilly's Recent Posts
"Problems - lil peep"
"*if it was me"
"It's okay,, but thanks. And yeah I kinda want to tell him bc it was me I would want to know straight away but yeah at the same time he might..."
"I see,, yeah that sounds like a rational mature thing to do. But yeah Thanks for your input. I'll think about if I'm going to do anything, I..."
"If this were to hypothetically happen does the person have the "right" to feel upset or do anything about it? Okay, da drama, say you"
"Mono - Whitechapel"
"Hey me, so I don't use this website anymore and it's just chance that I came on and this was here so you probs won't see this but in the tin..."
"Seasons in the abyss - slayer"
"It's too dark, I hate this."
"So there was a school shooting in France recently, I think it was the 15th but idk. Apparently the dude's motivation came from his interest ..."
"Sing me to sleep~"
"XD okay. O.o mhm. O.o Uhm well I have my real exams in June which are everything and this is just the pre's to have an idea wh"
"O.O I see! ^*^ that'll look cool. O.o idrk either since I've never used splat in my hair so can't give a recommendation. XD mh"
"O.O that's cool! What shade of blue? ^~^ XD oh. O.o mhm. I mean well I wanted to.. But you see my brain sa"
"Cooooool. O.o O.o oh. I see. O.O das good! XD oh. O.O Uhm well I'm just listening to music rn and yeah idk "
Cleo and dilly's Recent Quiz Comments
"Dafuq "
1 -
"^*^ 92% great quiz. "
2 -
"Cool quiz, my score was 73. ^*^"
1 -
e.e no way in hell."1 -
";0; I annoy lady jane?"
1 -
"So..this quiz was made a long time ago, and ya now I don't don't really have a "type" or something something that makes me. it sorta…"
1 -
"You forgot black which is my favorite color. D:"
1 -
"Wrong, you said purple my favorite color is black, sorry."
1 -
"Aww thank you!"
1 -
"I'm not at all like this anymore, and I got 51 per cent now, I cannot make any changes to the quiz be a use something happened it and I…"