CakePop19's Profile

Joined on Jul 17, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
CakePop19's Quizzes
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CakePop19's Recent Posts
"OOOOPPSSSSS. o-o Sorry got confused, I have re-do character 3. Name: Titan Age: 16 Looks: Shony"
"Okay. Is the girl charrie I am making gonna be the twin of your girl charrie. Name: Crystalia Age: 16 Looks: Blonde/Yel"
"I don't know why people say they are ugly. But when people say they are pretty when they have high self-esteem and self-confidence and proud..."
"I guess So, what's up? :P"
"YUSH. How many girls and boys are left?"
"Okay, I will remember that. :P"
"Yeah, but yeah.. You did change. And you are better. Yeah. x3"
":P I will tell you on Tumblr once I am not lazy enough to redownload the app."
"Okay, you can make the charries first."
"Okay, I cant wait. ^w^"
"I missed you. And you haven't changed. ^w^ Nothing, nevermind. X3"
"I know."
"Okay, I will start on it now."
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