Caia's Profile

Joined on Aug 11, 2015
Status Level: Junior
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Caia's Quizzes
- would i date you?[published: Sep 21, 2015, 12 comments]
This quiz I made is just to see if there would be a chance of I would date you. Nothing really serious of……
- could we be friends???[published: Sep 09, 2015, 3 comments]
This is to see of we could be friends. It is not accurate as I hope, but it can give an idea. I that……
- how well do you know me?[published: Sep 06, 2015, 1 comment]
I have not talk to many on here but you may do welll maybe. Foos luck on it and hope you like it……
Caia's Recent Posts
"Bye~ sorry. I hav to go for now. I need to sleep. Night~"
"Why dont you sleep then?"
"Im good~ You?"
"Im good. I should try to sleep as well. Ill be back tomorrow."
"Ok. Night~"
"How are you~?"
"Back~ Have to go at midnight though"
"Hehe yeah"
"Ohh Kelly is my friends name too. It was bleeding at first and I hate blood she helped though."
"Nothing much I just tripped over Kellys foot when I was running. Didnt land good on my arm."
"Mhm. My arm hurts though. Thats goood."
"I'm okay I guess. You?"
"Hai~ *hugs*"
Caia's Recent Quiz Comments
"We are 41% alike. Close to 50 bit not high still good thouhh"