blue_skies13's Profile

Joined on Aug 27, 2016
Status Level: Novice
blue_skies13's Quizzes
- Are You Allowed in My Blog[published: Oct 05, 2016]
I have a chatting blog on Tumblr. It is awesome. You can talk, show art you made, make friends, etc.……
- FicQuiz: Shadow of the Past[published: Oct 05, 2016]
,,I'm sick of crying. I'm tired of trying. Sometimes I'm caught smiling, but inside, I'm really……
- Those Funny Quotes[published: Oct 04, 2016]
- What Minecraft Mob are You?[published: Oct 04, 2016, 1 comment]
Heeeey! Welcome to my first and maybe last Minecraft quiz! Which mob are you most likely to be?……
- Are You Yao, Ling, or Chien Po?[published: Oct 03, 2016, 1 comment]
Chien Po: ,,I'm never gonna catch my breath." Yao: ,,Say goodbye to those who knew me~!" Ling:……
- These Graves We Brought (In Honor of Shadow)[published: Oct 03, 2016]
Shadow, please listen. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and you never had to……
- What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?[published: Oct 03, 2016, 3 comments]
Welcome to the ,What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You' quiz! Thank you for……
- Did You Know That?[published: Oct 03, 2016, 2 comments]
Hey, guys! Welcome to my quiz! I found a couple hundred facts, and I thought I'd share them. From human, to……
- How Well Do You Know Mulan (First)?[published: Oct 01, 2016, 1 comment]
,,You must be swift as the coursing river! With all the force of a great typhoon! With all……
- Blue's Shout Out Quiz[published: Sep 29, 2016, 1 comment]
Hello, and welcome to my first shout out quiz, Blue's Shout Out Quiz! It my first, so I hope you like it……
- How Well Do You Know Me?[published: Aug 31, 2016, 3 comments]
Hi! This is my second time entering this since this quiz expired on me. Screw this phone. *throws……
- How Well Do You Know Skyclan?[published: Aug 30, 2016]
Skyclan is an ancient clan that has been chased out of the Forest many seasons ago. Led by……
- How Well Do You Know Firestar?[published: Aug 29, 2016]
"Only fire alone will save the clan." Meet Rusty. A normal average kittypet who may just one day……
- Warriors: Which One Of The Three Are You?[published: Aug 28, 2016, 4 comments]
"There will be three, kin of your kin, who will hold the pwer of the stars in their……
- Are You Firestar or Tigerstar?[published: Aug 28, 2016, 3 comments]
Welcome to my first quiz. Here, you will learn if you're Firestar or Tigerstar. Are you bad or……
blue_skies13's Recent Posts
"ok, 1 moment and send your password too"
"he gave me this one, do u want it back? il'll swap it for that one"
"That one quiz I nicked a while ago and am solely using so I can spy on who is using it :p"
"You are just forcing me to log out!"
"Here, you can have my knight account username = knight password = gibaccounts"
"Please! I need this account! Please! I'll do anything! Just give it back! It's my only! Give it back! Please! I can't make any others!"
"I'll do anything! I'll do anything! Just please give it back!"
"Pleeeease! Geek, please! This is my only account!"
"And why would you want a novice? You have higher ranking accounts. Why mine?"
"I trust all. I allow things. And the thing is, my laptop won't let me have another account! Please, geek! Please!!!"
"I really have no sympathy. I told you repeatedly not to"
"Thanks. You f---ing moron. Change it back!"
blue_skies13's Recent Quiz Comments
"Thank you!"
1 -
"Don't worry about it! ^-^"
1 -
"Thank you. You're the best friend I've ever had, and I may not love you as in a bae would, but I still love you as a friend. You may love…"
1 -
"Not bad. Good work. 37%."
1 -
"Better? (:"
1 -
"Aww! Thank you so much!"
1 -
"I checked every single number. All of them are 'right'."
1 -
"Look up Archive of Our Own Bellass. Comment there and tell. Do NOT read the text unless you are interested in p---. Be sure to comment on…"
1 -
"If you got the highest scores, you wouldn't like it, jerk."
1 -
"Nope. 47%. XD
Told you I'm gay."1