Avenger16's Profile

Joined on Jun 10, 2013
Status Level: Experienced
Avenger16's Quizzes
- The would you rather (gross edition) quiz.[published: Oct 14, 2013, 1 comment]
This quiz is for fun meaning this quiz has, NO RESULTS! :) YAY! Anyways, this quiz……
- A quiz to make your day c:[published: Sep 28, 2013, 7 comments]
This quiz was made so that hopefully it makes your day! It consists of qoutes that will make you……
- how well do you know your division?[published: Sep 22, 2013, 1 comment]
Do you know your division facts? If so how well do you know them? Did i just make you wonder……
- My shout out quiz[published: Jun 28, 2013, 3 comments]
I am really really really sad about leaving go to quiz. :,( well I am so sorry if I forgot any one. So uh bye……
- How well do you know adventure time[published: Jun 26, 2013, 1 comment]
Come on grqb your friends. We'll go to very distant lands. With jke thee dog and finn the……
- Do you know me[published: Jun 16, 2013, 2 comments]
Do you really know me ? Do you think you know me? This quiz will determin if you know me or not. Why does this……
- 60 years without you Part 3[published: Jun 12, 2013, 10 comments]
Hello every one :) thank you for coming and taking my quiz. Lets pick up from were we left you and……
- 60 years without you Part 2[published: Jun 10, 2013, 6 comments]
Well lets see this is part 2 of 60 years without you and this is like a fill in that answers all……
Avenger16's Recent Posts
"YESS ^-^ It makes me think, how are we ever gonna be able to meet each other?"
"Oh, I'm sorry for getting your hopes up, then. orz"
"I've murdered all the other Seths."
"It's my fault she spammed you. Sorry. ^-^'"
"Oh well. ~"
"I like your mom."
"Tell your mom that, as much as we would love to kick you off, actually deactivating a user's account is something only the admin can do, and..."
"Which post"
"I think I'm gonna watch tv or something"
"This is the worst time everyone is coming in for dinner and I'm shaking"
"I'm shaking this isn't okay"
Avenger16's Recent Quiz Comments
"Wow, thanks guys:
This quiz was created by Avenger16 on 2013-06-12 11:27:19. It has been taken 598 times and is not listed on our…"
1 -
"Ah, this thing has been taken over 500 times. O-O
Part one got deleted, i'm sorry.
Where to start?....So, i'm really…"
1 -
"Ah, this thing has been taken over 300 times.
Where to start?....
So, i'm really sorry for not making a part four, and for…"
1 -
"What Frozen Character Are You?
Your Result: ElsaYour a bit Misunderstood but underneath that cold exterior your a…"
1 -
"I'm cursed. "
1 -
"you know 100% about the violin!
100%Co ngratulations dear! You know amost everything- if not all there is to know about a…"
1 -
"Hehe, I got cruella"
1 -
"Woohoo! Marvel!"
1 -
"Woah! You where right it was two!"
1 -
"How Well Do You Know Pierce The Veil ?
Your Result: Taco TimeWow! You Really Do Know Your Sexicans.You Are Truly Amazing And…"