Ashley0's Profile

Joined on Nov 15, 2013
Status Level: Novice
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Ashley0's Quizzes
- the random quiz[published: Nov 16, 2013]
Everything question everything everything question question everything question everything question everything……
Ashley0's Recent Posts
"I'm your dead girl. Imma haunt you for making her kill herself. But then, who couldn't make a figment of their mind kill thems"
"Know I am not miss OC, i am ashley."
"Hi :)"
"Okie, gud."
"Yes, do it. I can probaly get it for you."
"(as you're super fat and just like him BMI ways) JK, merry christmas!"
"Bai, good riddance."
"he didn't do anything T_T"
"f--- off both of you nick lets just do Xbox live."
"alright you better leave nick the f--- alone right now b---- now f--- off and leave us alone FOREVER"
"im not spamming"
"he killed the love of my life"
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