Armin Arlert's Profile

Armin Arlert
Joined on Feb 27, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Armin Arlert's Recent Posts
"Marrrrrrco You're early, heh. Hey, don't worry about it. You deserve it."
"Snowflake? xD I am well, just making sure everything is going to plan. How about you? Of course. ^^"
"Hi~ Sure, anyone can come. I'm sure Marco won't mind."
"I hope the cake comes soon. Not sure if they managed to convince Jean to pop out of it."
"/nervously makes sure all the balloons and party decorations are in place"
"Since Connie challenged everyone to not blink Levi has kept his eyes open for three days straight. We are both concerned and terrified."
"Instead of pin the tail on the donkey, we'll just have Marco pin it on Jean."
"/pats Marco's head comfortingly"
"Only some? It's like your song."
"Marco, you're making me want to cry."
"Thank you :D"
"Look at how good I'm going to look when I'm older... ht tp:// om/f8c5cbea25d48fc9e83ac19cbcff3a87/tumblr_mvc"
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