AnimePhan's Profile

Joined on Mar 23, 2013
Status Level: Senior
AnimePhan's Quizzes
- Would You Rather Part 2.[published: Jul 15, 2013, 7 comments]
Would you rather is a very popular game that you do with Friends, Siblings, or even with your parents.……
- How much of a Hetalia fangirl are you?[published: Jul 10, 2013, 8 comments]
Hello Hetalia fans, This quiz is out for my fellow Hetalia fans[people I know who are……
- Pretty Nightmares Part 2[published: Jul 10, 2013, 2 comments]
Pretty Nightmares part 2 is a terrible story/episode, cause. 1. I was rushing. 2. I was watching tv. 3.……
- Pretty Nightmares Part 1.[published: Jul 09, 2013, 1 comment]
- My First Special Shout-out Quiz![published: Jul 06, 2013, 7 comments]
Hello, people. and this is my very first shout-out quiz. and this is recommended for people I……
- How Funny Are You?[published: Jun 15, 2013, 4 comments]
There are great comedians out their. Maybe you are a future one to be. Funny is like the word Fun but the……
- Haunted House Quiz[published: Mar 24, 2013, 7 comments]
Scary things can happen, anywhere. Well I think. But haunted houses are fun but can be alittle troubling. You……
- Would you Rather?[published: Mar 23, 2013, 6 comments]
Would you rather's are great for slumber parties, Birthday parties, friend hangouts, and for quinching……
- Are you In between, Girly, or Tomboy-ish?[published: Mar 23, 2013, 11 comments]
Tomboys, In betweeners, and Girly girls have differences, Some girly girls hate……
- Mysterious Case Part 1[published: Mar 13, 2013]
Ready to go on a adventure with a girl's Crazy wild life. Well you came to the right place. Defeating……
AnimePhan's Recent Posts
"Let me guess, you're going to complain to another hacker? Or, oh no-- You're going to try to hack it yourself! Yeah, I doubt it."
"cower in fear for I have the best weapon of all"
"fear me for knowing mines plans"
"oh we refer to swag as AP we all still hate her"
"and wait no *She willingly gave out her password, Geek took the account, then Geek was planning on leaving and gave it to me "
"lol no swagg boss is AnimeDork"
"loud laughter"
"ugh i'm going to force a tornado up you're ass I'm so mad!!"
" This is a gay circle. Therefore it's bad. "
"(don't fear it's dark here) Raelyn: ..I don't like how I look, or how I act. A lot of girls are better than me.. I jus"
"Mmmhm~ you're so mean but then again dark murdered her children and got stuck in the place I will not mention because "
"wait I'm sorry if that sounded mean Br0wnies :3 slowly but surely xD Okaaaay. Ju"
"The first sounds fine. I'll get back into my regular account, of course. and as for an oc thread go for it let'"
AnimePhan's Recent Quiz Comments
"This doesn't really make sense. I mean, I got homeless, and I thought I was gonna get artist. Wtf.. It's as confusing as Miley Cryus.. :T"
1 -
"This is disturbing. ._. "
1 -
"I got 79 percent. hehe. eue"
1 -
"I hated the mistress, she was treating Leo like a slave, ;A; I WUV this story. Oh no.. I'm crying already.... xD"
1 -
"Hmmm, it's OKAY. All I can say is keep up the good work, and try harder. "
1 -
"Well In My Opinion: Awesome story guys, In my opinion I love it. It's hilarious and a bit creative. :] Nice job. "
1 -
"Sorry. Well dont expect it to be like SPECTACULAR! jeez. I just joined here."