Anaelle's Profile
Joined on Dec 5, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
Anaelle's Quizzes
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Anaelle's Recent Posts
"Cake by the Ocean- DNC SWAAY"
"I think that guy is Martian or something (no offence)"
"How old are you btw?"
"Emily is a very good name....isn't Emu the name of a big bird which looks like an ostrich? Well, my real name is something else"
"well, yeah."
"Greetings from Anaelle...."
"Am I boring you, dude? You can discontinue this chat, if you want to.....I mean, its difficult to chat about some facts and details with unk..."
"Great. Really....London is fantastic, isn't it?"
"Rather Be-clean bandits"
"no u live in london, right?"
Anaelle's Recent Quiz Comments
"I am 46% evil....and like, one day I'll show my 'true colors'
You got me right Charlie XD"