ameliep2003's Profile

Joined on Jan 11, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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ameliep2003's Quizzes
- Are we related?[published: Jan 11, 2014, 4 comments]
Hi I am looking out there to see if I have family out there. The rules are simple as: Answer the questions, look……
- The long, hard would you rather quiz...[published: Jan 11, 2014, 4 comments]
Would you rather take this quiz or another one? This one or... This one! Welcome……
- Do people think you're fat?!?![published: Jan 11, 2014, 8 comments]
There are fat people, people who think they are fat but aren't, people who don't think they are……
ameliep2003's Recent Posts
"right me"
"hmmm... get nosebleeds. No one has ever seen me get a nose bleed. Weird. Favourite car?"
"its actually a lot more peaceful, so you shouldn't worry."
"That happened almost every day. My parents lived together, they broke up, they moved in with each other again, and a few months ago they bro..."
"Tv or Computer"
"right... Anime! Why is it so popular on this site?"
"Hi I need someone to click on my profile and take my polls please I need someone to take them so I know what people think."
"? um... Flo I guess"
"Trees or flowers? [once again I changed my profile picture]"
"don't have a crush, unicorns"
"yea... ur attitude makes me think ur a noob"
"Owl What's your hobby?"
"oh yea, I do like ur username and your profile picture"
ameliep2003's Recent Quiz Comments
"Hi then"
1 -
"WAIT you think ur fat because you took my do people think you're fat quiz and took it seriously!"
1 -
"Yeah ok thanks what was your result?"
1 -
"But I'm still glad you took the quiz I made it"
1 -
"Yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh... .. it said not to take it seriously"