adam123's Profile

Joined on Apr 14, 2015
Status Level: Novice
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adam123's Quizzes
- Would I date you?[published: May 13, 2015, 15 comments]
Could you date me? Maybe, maybe not. Take this quiz to find out if you could date me. Or we could be friends.……
adam123's Recent Posts
"Leave you stupid b----!"
"hydra http-form-get "/account/ajax-login.html:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:S=$user" -t 80 -V -P pass.txt -l "$user""
"because my parents didn't love me ;-;"
"I aint geek bro ._."
"pls dun swear i am only 8 ;-;..."
" lol, forgot I was on a fg nub account"
"goddamn it parents [no urls]"
"link it u fgt"
"I've been hacked."
"GIVE ME p---"
"I aint even joking I need to fap man ._."
"dogsbuddy did it as well. Must have been an error"
"Please post p--- so I can fap :("
adam123's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got 74% yes"
1 -
"What random food are you?
Your Result: PIZZA!!! 78%sp anning from simple cheese, to anything that can fit! pizzas are the…"
1 -
1 -
"good questions but it gave me 0 per cent"
1 -
"80%! Not surprised. We're doing Shakespeare in school"
1 -
1 -
" cool quiz"
1 -
"awesome quiz"
1 -
"no offence but this quiz is boring"
1 -
"I goy eaten by a shark!"