a_666xx's Profile

Joined on Oct 19, 2014
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
a_666xx's Quizzes
- How emo are you???[published: Oct 21, 2014, 2 comments]
How emo are you? This quiz is pretty stereotypical just to let you know. Have fun! If I made any mistakes or……
a_666xx's Recent Posts
"Yeah it is pretty weird cx"
"I think I am going to leave gtq purely because I don't feel needed or wanted on here."
"My best friend is going as Mad Hatter! Cx I'm going as Jeff the Killer"
"I lurv pizza cx"
"ME!! XD"
"OMF how scary"
"Ohh makes sense"
"I meant the dude XD buh don't get me wrong yours is too"
"That's a really cute pic actually"
"Same here cx"
a_666xx's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yay we will be friends:D"
1 -
"36. I'm 14!!!"
1 -
"70% in the middle XD"
1 -
"Good quiz, I got 75% goth. However some of the questions and answers confused me. "
2 -
1 -
"Harmony?! No."
1 -
"It said 8-10. Very accurate cuz I'm in 9th cx"
1 -
"I like Paige and Stone. I wish you all the best in the future. You really are brave."