_____go away's Profile

_____go away
Joined on May 23, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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_____go away's Recent Posts
"Shutup, no one cares"
"go away"
"Who are you??????"
"Shutup you try hard"
"why do you think everything is so simple to sort out"
"she also specifically said that she wasn't lying, and she will do it"
"no because georgia will tell him because she is an evil b----"
"http: //www. gotoquiz .com/f orum/offbeat/262661-jessica-babe/2/thread .html"
"*hates us too"
"and last month me and my mom moved to get away from my dad who hatesus too, aand wait a second go to the thread called "Jessica babe" "
"so um there is this girl I know in real life who hates me, and she is threatening to kill me help"
"sphinx help me please"
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