Professor Layton and the miracle mask

How good do you know Professor Layton and the miracle mask? Yes I know you might reckon you are good at it but this test will find out for you

Find out here if you are truly a massive fan of Professor Layton And The Miracle Mask, Good Luck and try hard.

Created by: Reece Goudercourt
  1. How many chapters including the prologue and epilogue are in Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask?
  2. How old is the professor in the game?
  3. How old is Luke?
  4. Where does the first 'miracle' take place?
  5. What happened in the first miracle?
  6. What is the colour of Luke's horse when chasing the masked gentleman?
  7. What is the colour of the ring around the masked gentleman's top hat?
  8. How many miracles take place that the Professor witnesses?
  9. What is the title of Chapter 3 (English)?
  10. How many floors are in the Akbadain ruins?
  11. How many puzzles will there be in total (including all online daily puzzles for a year)
  12. What colour are Randall's glasses in the past?
  13. How many 'Pawn Portions' Puzzles are there?
  14. How many videos are in the game?
  15. What is the name of the school in professor Layton's past?

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