Professor Dumbledore: SPOILERS

If you like Dumbledore you should take this quiz. I think it will really test your knowledge of him. If you don't want to take this quiz right now keep it in your head in case you're ever bored.

If you don't like Dumbledore, don't take this quiz because this quiz is about him. If you don't like Dumbledore, we probably disagree on a few things, but that's OK.

Created by: Bob
  1. Who did Dumbledore have a crush on as a teenager?
  2. What is Dumbledore's patronus?
  3. How old is Dumbledore when he dies?
  4. What is Dumbledore's favorite flavor of jam?
  5. What house was Dumbledore in?
  6. What is Dumbledore's position at Hogwarts?
  7. Why does Dumbledore set Harry Potter, Snape, and himself up to die?
  8. Who does Dumbledore get The Elder Wand from?
  9. Do you like Dumbledore?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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