Procrastinating or just taking my time?

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Yeah um I thought you might be wasting some time! Or perhaps using it well? Let’s find out shall we, of course I am not sane! So yeah let’s try it. Just begin...

Homework assignment, bill,job, and then your school is done with your homework done you need a lot more homework and you have a lot to learn and then your brain is a lot better and you have a good way of thinking and how to you about your own life.

Created by: Gep
  1. Let’s get to know each other... how old are you?
  2. Do you play sport?
  3. What do you prefer?
  4. Pick random
  5. What do you say
  6. You are
  7. You are feeling
  8. If I said you like pie I would be
  9. You are
  10. To you I am

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