Prison Break Quiz

Lincoln Burrows is on death row for the murder of the vice president's brother. He insists he's innocent and only his brother Michael Scofield believes him. As an engineer who helped design the prison where Lincoln is being held, Michael takes drastic measures to help his brother. He gets himself arrested and sent to the same prison so that with his knowledge of the building the two of them can escape together.

This is simply a quiz about the hit TV show prison break, it's stars, it's characters and it's plot outlines etc. Hope you enjoy it. Are you smart enough to take on the challenge and break out, Or will you find you self banged op for life, or even on death row

Created by: Andy of myspace
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Easy 1: Wentworth Miller plays
  2. Lincoln Burrows is accused or killing
  3. Michael seeks out ***** to make him sketch part of the map which was burned off his back.
  4. Who plays Michael Scofield's mail order bride
  5. Sara figures out that the name of the rendezvous point with Michael is the **** Hotel
  6. Whats C-notes daughter called
  7. Paul Kellerman shoots himself in the head
  8. Season 3 starts in the UK
  9. S03E01 Is called
  10. Prison Break was Nominated for a People's Choice Award for Favorite New Television Drama And lost

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