Prevailing Darkness (Part 2) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Prevailing Darkness (Part 2).

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  • You're welcome, that reviewer was me XD When did this come out? :o I'm sad I missed it because that means this comments page has been blank for a while, and empty comments boards make me sad ;( oh, I read these stories for the plot and the writer's style... so basically I read them for the story. I don't mind that it's not romantic, actually, it's nice to read something different for a change... between this one (which I didn't know you had continued until I checked it up today =o ) and the ones that James_Bond writes which both have guy protagonists. I'd love to see where you're bringing this story since it's really just just just beginning, and I hope you're still checking this so that you know that at least one person will avidly read it. Solo fan, whoo! XD

    P.S. I also would like to see where "Not any mortal boys" is going *hint hint* XP are you continuing it or not?

    P.P.S. I don't think I mentioned last time, you got a mini-shout-out mention on the 28th part of my series. It's not much at all, but just thought to let you know :3


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