Pretty Flowers in the Dust Part 3

"The Midnight Game" is about a demon named "The Midnight Man" that you invite into your home at 12:00am to 3:33am. You have to survive until than. That's the best way I can describe it. So, here are the instructions. Instructions: 1. It must be exactly 12am when you begin the ritual, or else it will not work. Here is what you need; White candles. (I think it means any candles though) Paper and a pencil. A wooden front door. Salt. A pin needle. All the lights MUST be shut off in the house.
Step 1. Everyone who is in the game must write their name on a piece of paper, than use the pin needle to drop a single drop of blood onto the paper. Step 2. Place the paper in front of your front door. Your front door MUST be made of wood. Step 3. Light a candle. Step 4. Knock on your door exactly 22 times. (Note: The 22nd knock must happen at exactly midnight, 12am, or the ritual will not work. Step 5. Open your door, blow out the candle and close it. Relight the candle. You have now summoned the "Midnight Man". (I might have to write some of it in the comments) Step 6. Your goal for the rest of the night is to survive the "Midnight Man." EVERYONE who is playing must walk with their lit candle around the house, avoiding the midnight man at costs, until the clock strikes 3:33am. At which-