Pregnant gender reveal quiz (100% accurate)

This quiz is only meant for kicks. All content is false and shouldn't be taken seriously. This quiz is also meant for exposing the weirdos of the internet.

If you don't consider yourself a weirdo you may want to rethink that. Again this not real and don't take it personally. It's just for fun. Thanks, and enjoy this quiz.

Created by: Sunflower Seeds
  1. Feel the very top of your baby bump. What does it feel like?
  2. Grapefruit and Guava discussion
  3. Look at yourself in the mirror. What does your face appear to be like?
  4. The bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees...
  5. Do you have a preference of gender?
  6. How do you feel about avocados?
  7. Have your feet been swollen at any time during your pregnancy?
  8. Gary or Larry
  9. Do you always find yourself speaking to the manager?
  10. Laughter and smiles...

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