Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz

This is an unique Sorting Hat sorting you in a unique way. Witty Ravenclaws, daring Gryffindors, cunning Slytherins, and loyal Hufflepuffs do all emphasis their own special qualities, right?

So, which house do you belong in? Until now you could wonder. Now, take this quiz right away, and.within several minutes, results will be.revealed and you'll know which.kind of person you are!

Created by: JeanHermione
  1. Would you most likely spend time in which of the following shops?
  2. Which Hogwarts professor would you hope to teach your class?
  3. Would you choose which subject to study?
  4. You most pride yourself on--
  5. You find it most difficult to deal with--
  6. Which of the following object would you choose?
  7. Dawn or Dusk?
  8. Moon or stars?
  9. Heads or tails?
  10. Left or right?
  11. Forest or river?
  12. Hermione Granger or Harry Potter?

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