Possible quirks

This quiz will determine your quirk depending on your favorite characters and how you react to the situation, the results you get can be used for your oc's or characters depending on you

Note: I am not you so don't blame me if you don't enjoy the results. HAVE FUN! I'm Ravenicebear and this is a quiz! Heya everyone! Do you like My Hero Academia? Me too!

Created by: Ravenicebear
  1. How do you react to attention?
  2. What do you love most?
  3. Who is your favorite UA student in My Hero Academia?
  4. Who is your favorite pro hero?
  5. Who is your favorite villain?
  6. Situations you like?
  7. What color do you prefer?
  8. Hobbies?
  9. If you have a power what would it be?
  10. Are you ready for the result?

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