portal 2 test to see how much you pay attention

this quiz will test your knowledge of portal 2 and its charecters. this description may get boring so dont read it.you need geek power to get through this test and oh ive done enough.

i now need to get 1 hundred and fifty charecters down but i only have eighty so i need to get something down now but i have 127 now so im close just keep going and i have 175!

Created by: sam

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. at the start of the game, how long have you been in suspention?
  2. what charecters are in portal 2?
  3. do wheatly and space core die?
  4. what is a discoragement redirection cube?
  5. are you getting bored?
  6. what are the names of the cooperation robots?
  7. what language is the turret song at the end?
  8. who is cave jhonson?
  9. how many tests are between chapter 2 and the escape?
  10. does chell have brain damage?

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