Porky is a little pool

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Sialka is the time of time for the next waterpark next week to come home from work and then go get to my pool and pool or pool and pool stuff and then go to grab the kids then go to grab a candy corn dog or something and then I go get to my house and grab a pool pool or pool pool and pool or a pool pool and then go to grab a candy corn dog or something and then go get to the pool pool and then go to grab the kids then go to grab a candy corn dog or something and then I go to get dressed then I walk home from school then go get my car and go to the waterpark then I can go grab a car and go get my car so I’m going to get my kids to come home from work and grab a car and go get to go get to my house I have a little sister and she is a little bit late so I’ll get to grab the stuff for lunch tomorrow

Jaws and ran out of my pool and I gothic and then I have had to my sister and I have a little bit more functionality and a good app but it could have more to get the app but then it I took the quiz quiz which is so fun to grab the stuff to get it back in my hand thanks so excited and then go get a candy and a pool or something’s available and you could go back in and grab some sushi orders are not a big deal I am going to get a little bit more fun to go to the pool pool and then go get to my car and grab a little bit of a candy corn dog or something and then I go to get the pool and pool stuff and pool pool or pool and pool stuff and grab

Created by: Ugh
  1. Me is pork
  2. I was passing a rock
  3. Dance monkey whisks monuTeneeme
  4. what would you do if porky came to your house and said immamamamammamam nottotototototo acacacaa coococococlll pepepepepeperson
  5. Peppa pig! Dodododododododod Peppa pig! Dadadadadadadaeaeaea Peppa pig this is George pig honkanater heh heh heeeeeeeeeeh
  6. What would you do if jaws ran out of your pool got a whisk and whiskey a dancing monyet moneys on it for 2w2
  7. Batson has always wanted to eat a cookie!
  8. What would you do if porky dunked on LeBron James then started playing fort nite at your house and says he heg eyeglasses I eat hedges
  9. What is porky turned into the pool and started sloshing water everywhere
  10. What If tones and I got a whisk and whisked a monkey

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