Popularmmos and gaming with Jen test (pat and Jen)

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This quiz is about popularmmos and Gamingwithjen, but they did not write it. Please subscribe to pat and Jen, their YouTube channels are pat:popularmmosJen:Gamingwithjen Check out there website at popularmmos.comGet your self some Merch be searching up popularmmos Merch then click the one by represent

If the question has an (easy) mark on it that means if you don't know then you will lose a point. As in a idk for a normal question will give you no points and (hard) will give you a point.

Created by: Annomunus of Check out there Merch
(your link here more info)
  1. What is pat and Jen known for?(Easy)
  2. What is pats username for MC?
  3. What is jen's username for MC?
  4. Are you subscribed to Popularmmos?
  5. Are you subscribed to Gamingwithjen?
  6. What was the first Roblox video on jen's channel?
  7. What was the first Roblox video on pats channel?
  8. What's the way pat pronounces "Doge"(Hard)
  9. What is jen's fav colour (Easy)
  10. What colour is pats MC skin mostly?
  11. What is the full way to say pats name?
  12. What is the full way to say jen's name?
  13. What is jen's intro?
  14. What is pats intro?
  15. Is pat and Jen awesome?
  16. What is the server ip for pat and jen's Pokemon server?
  17. What is Popularmmos current cats name (The white Persian cat)
  18. What is pats signatures blocks for Minecraft hypixel build battle?
  19. How many questions have you answered so far (not including this one)
  20. Where was the spot for the answer in question 1?

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